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Apple Power Mac G4 Cube (2000-2001)
Apple Power Mac G4 Cube (2000-2001)
Power Mac G4 Cube:
The Power Mac G4 Cube was a beautifully crafted personal computer released by Apple in 2000. This computer was like Steve Jobs’ baby, as he loved the design and easy access to the inner workings of the computer. The computer was designed by Jonathan Ives. The Cube won many awards for its design. It was housed in acrylic glass and consumers could easily access the inside of the computer so that they could add cards and other memory expansions with ease. Unfortunately, the high price and fragile nature of the acrylic case doomed the computer, which only sold 150,000 units. The computer was discontinued less than a year after release. During the unveiling of the Cube, Steve Jobs repeated many times that the computer was housed in an “8-inch cube”! The G4 Cube was similar in size and shape to the NeXT Cube, which was a failed product from Steve Jobs’ alternate company, NeXT.
Source: Westport CT Donator