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The RadioShack Exhibit (1921)
The RadioShack Exhibit (1921)
Radio Shack
RadioShack is an American electronics retailer founded in 1921. RadioShack got its start as a mail-order radio business in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1962, RadioShack was purchased by Tandy Corporation, and became a division of that company until 2000. At its peak, in 1999, Tandy had 8,000 RadioShack stores in North America, the UK, and Australia. As RadioShack entered the 2000’s, their popularity began to dissipate, and in 2015, RadioShack was delisted from the New York Stock Exchange. The delistment from the NY Stock Exchange was quickly followed by a filing of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Today, RadioShack runs a primarily e-commerce business, selling parts online. A small number of independently franchised stores are still scattered about.