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Furby (1998-2016)
Furby (1998-2016)
Tiger Electronics
The original Furby was released by Tiger Electronics in 1998. The Furby is an electronic robot toy that resembles an owl and has blinking eyes and speaks. Furbies originally sold for $35 at release. It sold extremely well during the 1998 Christmas season, and frequently went out stock, driving the retail price to over $100 or more! Furbies sold for over $300 at auction, and sellers assigned rarity values to them. Fights frequently broke out at stores to retrieve Furbies. During one 12-month period, 27 million Furbies were sold. The toy was eventually brought back in 2005, and later in 2012, and finally released for the last time in 2016.
Source: Elephants Trunk Flea Market