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MEGO 2XL Robot (1980)
MEGO 2XL Robot (1980)
Mego 2XL Robot
The 2XL Educational Toy Robot was released by Mego Corporation in 1978. 2-XL was the first "smart toy" because it featured intelligence, memory, gameplay, and responsiveness. 2-XL was shipped with a "personality" that was shown as they interacted with the toy. The games were in the form of 8-track tapes, that were inserted into the stomach. When the robot asked the question, the children would press a button on it, and that would change the track on the tape to the next thing the robot would say. The original robot was redesigned in 1980 to have bigger, red eyes, and the toy was discontinued in 1981. In 1992, Tiger Electronics brought the toy back. This time, it used cassette tapes instead of 8-Tracks.
Source: Elephants Trunk Flea Market